Music Search

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Recent Downloads

Phedx - New Year
27 July 2024 04:04:11

Streete - Get Like Streete
27 July 2024 04:03:34

Yellow Marshall - Hard Everyday ft Mr Quin
27 July 2024 03:34:12

Skill Mode - time to shame them (raw)
27 July 2024 03:33:35

Exodus - Exidos_seduction(clean)
27 July 2024 03:32:21

27 July 2024 03:25:38

Prince solicitor - Joy at the seaside
27 July 2024 03:25:01

Lil Million - Ebola(RAW)
27 July 2024 03:04:56

J.P - Red Light-Raw(jacie Jaxxs diss)
27 July 2024 03:04:53

Lil Million - Suck out (Clean)
27 July 2024 02:56:14

Baby Skello - Top Gallis (Radio)
27 July 2024 02:47:41

Parodax - condom - (Raw)
27 July 2024 02:27:39



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About is a Guyanese owned Music Search website that began its operation on March 29, 2012 and operate at this website. has expanded over the years making us the #1 Source For the latest Guyanese Music Online, currently has one of the largest Guyanese Music Collection online with thousand's of Music from over 200 Guyanese artiste locally and abroad.

GTriddim is strictly for promotional use only. Support the various artists by purchasing their music legally!

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#1 Source For the latest Guyanese Music Online

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This Website is Developed and Maintained By
Anthony Johnson | DJ Metatone | Selector Andre